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Best Morning Routine, Ever!

Nov 30, 2020

Certified as an Entrepreneur, Wellness Planner, and Mentor, Brooke is dedicated to encouraging millennial entrepreneurs to improve their personal and professional wellbeing by creating healthy thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and habits that increase their positive outcomes and achievements. This is done by helping...

Nov 26, 2020

Melissa is the Owner of East Coast Mental Wellness, she us a therapist, coach, author and podcast host. She specializes in working with LGBTQ+ individuals and school systems. East Coast Mental Wellness is a Providence, RI based mental health agency created with your needs in mind. At East Coast Mental Wellness you have...

Nov 23, 2020

Paul wears many hats – bestselling author, podcast host, professional ghostwriter. Amateur theologian, men’s physique competitor, voice mimic and recovering insurance salesman.
A first-generation Spanish-speaking immigrant to the US with African heritage and Middle East combat experience, Paul’s lived in five...

Nov 19, 2020

Dawn helps online entrepreneurs automate leads and sales to generate a consistent income using a funnel that fits their business needs. Dawn hit rock bottom after pouring her heart and soul into pastoral ministry, only to be told she was a failure based on stats that didn’t measure up. Crushed, Dawn did what seemed...

Nov 16, 2020

My guest is Jeff Boyd with Phase Four Financial Solutions.  Jeff has had a passion for personal financial planning since college and has been involved in the profession since moving to San Diego from Michigan in 1998. He is a CFP® (Certified Financial Planner) in central San Diego.

Jeff is a Registered...